Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 5 December 2016 MPC – Agenda Dec16
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 24 October 2016 MPC – Agenda Oct16
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 12 September MPC – Agenda Sept16
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 25 July 2016 MPC – Agenda July16
Agenda (rev) for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Monday 13 June 2016 MPC – Agenda June16
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Musbury Parish Council to be held Monday 13 June 2016 MPC – Agenda AGM 16
Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting of Musbury Parish Council to be held on Monday 9 May 2016 MPC-Agenda-APM-2016.
Followed by two planning applications:
- 16/0260/FUL – Maidenhayne Barn Maidenhayne Lane Conversion of barn to dwelling (amendment to planning consent 13/1360/FUL) Amendments relate to Additional landscaping and drainage information and amendments to design to show removal of porch and alterations to fenestration
- 16/0993/LBC – The Post House Church Hill Replacement roofs to main roof and flat roof section to kitchen; demolition of link store building, alterations to shopfront, external repairs and internal alterations
Agenda for the Parish Meeting to be held Monday 25 April 2016 MPC – Agenda April16
Planning Meeting – Monday 11 April 2016
There will be a short meeting at Musbury Village Hall Committee Room from 7pm.
The public will be admitted after the confidential co-option discussion (probably around 7.15)
To meet the deadlines the following two applications will be discussed:
- 16/0399/VAR Lower Bruckland Farm House – Variation of condition 5 of planning application 85/P1778 to allow one of the holiday units to be used as a dwelling house
- 16/0260/FUL Maidenhayne Barn, Maidenhayne Lane- Conversion of barn to dwelling (amendment to planning consent 13/1360/FUL)
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 21 March 2016 MPC – Agenda Mar16
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 15 February 2016 MPC – Agenda Feb16
Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held Monday 11 January 2016 MPC – Agenda Jan16