Musbury Parish Council

Council Meetings

Council meetings generally take place on Monday evenings from 7.30pm. Proposed dates for 2024-25 (subject to hall availability) are:

  • Mon 29 April 2024 (Annual Parish Meeting)
  • Wed 29 May 2024 (Annual General Meeting + Ordinary Meeting)
  • Mon 15 July 2024
  • Mon 2 September 2024
  • Mon 21 October 2024
  • Mon 16 December 2024
  • Mon 3 February 2025
  • Mon 24 March 2025

Councillors   Agendas   Minutes   Accounts/Audits   Planning Applications

What Does The Council Do?

Musbury Parish Council is responsible for administering the general finances of the village. Funds are requested from East Devon District Council and received in the form of an annual precept. This money is sourced from all parishioners through a small additional payment collected with the Council Tax.

The Parish Council looks after the Allotments, the Playing Field and the Footpaths. It also maintains a number of noticeboards in the village centre.

Part of the Council’s work is to liaise with other agencies which provide services for Musbury; East Devon District Council is one of the most important.

The Clerk is reachable at

More information: Becoming a Parish Councillor.

District & County Council Information

Musbury is part of the Newbridges ward of East Devon District Council.

Our District Councillor is Iain Chubb.

Our representative on Devon County Council is Ian Hall.

COVID-19 Updates

Useful Links

Please follow all advice and self-isolate if you feel unwell. There is a support group set up by villagers.