Dr James Vann has said ‘The situation remains very complex but in essence the battle to keep beds in Axminster is almost lost’. Almost but not quite. He suggests one last bombardment of letters to the Devon Scrutiny (HWOSC) Committee before their next meeting on 14 September .
If you write a letter you should complain about the reduction in Health Care in the area since the closure of the beds in January, initially temporarily by NDHT then permanently by the CCG in July. Try to give examples where care has been more difficult because the beds have been closed. State if you feel patients have suffered during these last 8 months. Any examples of ‘end of life care’ that has been affected in a detrimental way would be very helpful. Also examples of patients staying longer in RD&E because there were no beds in Axminster. The situation of course has meant more pressure on GPs and community nurses.
Address your letter to: Cllr Richard Westlake, Chairman of the Devon County Council Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, County Hall, Topsham Rd , Exeter, EX2 4QD
Copy to: Cllr Claire Wright, Cllr Andrew Moulding and Cllr Paul Diviani at the same address.
NB CCG has been told it can go ahead with making further plans for RD&E Trust to be the next provider for this area.They are expected to make the appointment in November. The Action Group is aiming to have discussions with the RD&E about how they see the future of community hospitals beds, especially Axminster.