1. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that a casual vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor on the Parish Council of Musbury

I FURTHER GIVE NOTICE that, subject to the provisions of the above Rules, any ten electors for the electoral area may give notice requesting that an election be held to fill such vacancy. Such notice must be in writing and must be given to:-

The Returning Officer, East Devon District Council

Council Offices



EX10 8HL

within fourteen days (computed in accordance with Rule 2 of the said Rules) of the date of publication of this notice.

If no such notice as is referred to in Paragraph 2 above is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy as soon as practicable thereafter.

DATED this 6th  day of February 2017

SIGNED    JVM Bishop

Clerk of the Parish Council


Form CVP1

Your local Heritage Centre seeks your views

Axminster Heritage Centre is very keen to get the views of the community to build them into its development plans. They have launched a short survey which should take you about 5 minutes to complete.

You can complete the survey here. Who knows, you could be the winner of  the £25 prize draw.

Axminster Heritage Centre opened in Easter 2016. It tells the story of Axminster and the surrounding villages over more than 2000 years. Closed now until next Easter, the team is busy working behind the scenes on the next phase of development for this exciting cultural attraction

Minutes 2017

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 4 December 2017 MPC-MinutesDec17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 23 October 2017 MPC-Minutes Oct17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4 September 2017 MPC-Minutes Sept17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 31 July 2017 MPC-Minutes July17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 19 June 2017 MPC-Minutes June17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 8 May 2017 MPC-Minutes May17

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 3 April 2017 MPC- Minutes APM2017

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 27 March 2017 MPC-Minutes Mar17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 20 February 2017 MPC-Minutes Feb17

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Monday 16 January 2017 MPC-Minutes Jan17

Agendas 2017

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 4 December 2017 MPC – Agenda Dec17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 23 October 2017 MPC – Agenda Oct17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 4 September 2017 MPC – Agenda Sept17

Agenda (rev) for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 31 July 2017 MPC – Agenda July17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 19 June 2017 MPC – Agenda June17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 8 May 2017 MPC – Agenda May17

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Musbury Parish Council to be held Monday 8 May 2017 MPC – Agenda AGM 17

Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting of Musbury Parish Council to be held Monday 3 April 2017 MPC – Agenda APM 2017

Agenda (revised) for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 27 March 2017 MPC – Agenda Mar17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 20 February 2017 MPC – Agenda Feb17

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held Monday 16 January 2017 MPC – Agenda Jan17

Where should Musbury’s boundary lie?

EDDC has begun a public consultation on its draft Villages Plan. This will help guide decisions on where new development should be directed in selected villages – including Musbury. The Villages Plan shows a black line ( called a Built-Up Area Boundary) around Musbury. Within the black line new houses will generally be acceptable but outside they will only be acceptable in special circumstances. Musbury has no target quota for new houses. The consultation gives you an opportunity to comment on where the lines should be drawn.

EDDC has put forward its preferred approach for Musbury. This proposes the land around Mountfield for inclusion within the black line boundary.

The Parish Council has put forward an alternative approach which would continue to exclude the land around Mountfield but would include the Village Hall and the portion of Baxters Farm previously selected by the community for potential development.

(Mountfield (house and land) is expected to go to auction following the legal processes for an Enforced Sale. The timescale is not known. As the house is listed it will need to be restored. If a developer buys the property it is likely that some ‘enabling development’ will be permitted by EDDC to help recover some of the costs of refurbishment. This is the case even with the current black line boundary being maintained around the field. The wall along the Axminster Rd is listed and the trees are protected).

You can see a summary of these two approaches here.

You can see the draft consultation Villages Plan and supporting documents online.

If you want to comment either email or write to: Planning Policy, EDDC, Station Rd, Sidmouth EX10 8HL.

Please include Villages Plan and Musbury in your title. If you are referring to a specific site please include a map so that the boundaries of the land are clear.

Deadline for comments is 28 Sept 2016.

N.B. These proposals will be discussed at the next Musbury Parish Council meeting to be held 7.30 pm on 12 Sept in the Village Hall.