Easter Gardens 2020

Families (or indeed anyone) is being encouraged to create their own Easter Gardens (religious or non-religious) this year to brighten up the Village for Easter. Photos will appear below in the order they arrive… please send them in!  Click on them for a larger image.

1. Sue Irving

“As we cannot do our usual Easter flowers and garden in the Church this year I have made the symbols of the crosses and tomb in our existing war memorial garden outside the Church. I will roll away the stone on Sunday.

We must not forget what Easter really means in these troubled times.”

2. Nancy (5) & Bonnie (3)

3. Alfie (8) & Stella (12 weeks)

4. “Ruffles” – Cherry & Jolly Sargent

5. Millie & Ellie Sweetland-Widger

6. Archie Wickham