Easter Gardens 2020

Families (or indeed anyone) is being encouraged to create their own Easter Gardens (religious or non-religious) this year to brighten up the Village for Easter. Photos will appear below in the order they arrive… please send them in!  Click on them for a larger image.

1. Sue Irving

“As we cannot do our usual Easter flowers and garden in the Church this year I have made the symbols of the crosses and tomb in our existing war memorial garden outside the Church. I will roll away the stone on Sunday.

We must not forget what Easter really means in these troubled times.”

2. Nancy (5) & Bonnie (3)

3. Alfie (8) & Stella (12 weeks)

4. “Ruffles” – Cherry & Jolly Sargent

5. Millie & Ellie Sweetland-Widger

6. Archie Wickham

Coronavirus: Parish Council update

From the Parish Council clerk:

All Parish Council meetings have been postponed for the foreseeable future based on advice re: social distancing from Westminster and the Chief Medical / Scientific Officers.

The Clerk remains at work and is reachable at musburyparishclerk@gmail.com.

Useful Links

Please follow all advice and self-isolate if you feel unwell. There is a support group set up by villagers, details of which are here.

Coronavirus: Allotments Update

At the moment, it is still permitted to visit your plot, to take daily exercise on your own or with members of your household. It is vitally important that you follow all the advice about social distancing and hygiene and do not gather together on site.  Allotments can be as risky as any other place.

Sadly, one of the Covid 19 Allotment Advice notices was deliberately covered up in the last couple of days.

We are bewildered and a little dismayed that anyone would feel the need to do this at all, but especially at this worrying time.

Please be assured that the Parish Council are keeping up to date with government guidelines and advice and will keep you informed of any changes.