Devon Carers Survey

Did you know that 1 in every 8 people in the UK are caring for someone?  Over 84,000 people in Devon self-identified as a carer in the 2011 census.


At Devon Carers we provide advice and support to unpaid carers around the county of Devon. We want to be able to offer this support to as many carers as we can, and we’re hoping that you can help us by circulating this short survey to your parishioners.  The anonymous survey is for any Parishioner  to complete and will take approximately 5-8 minutes, depending on the answers given. The results of this survey will help us shape our service and enable us to target our efforts where they are most needed. We will gain a better understanding of general public views, and specifically of the people we aim to reach.

In my role as Lead Practitioner for Awareness, I work throughout the community of Devon raising awareness of carers and am happy to attend Town and Parish Council meetings to talk about the support available to carers. I can also provide you with informative material or introduce you to your local carers support team, so that we can better support carers together. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss any of this further. May I also take this opportunity to thank you for your time and for helping us to help carers across Devon.

Ellie Taylor
Lead Practitioner – Awareness   
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (subject to change)
03456 434 435

EDDC Draft Heritage Strategy Consultation

East Devon District Council  Draft Heritage Strategy Consultation  (28th November 2018 to 22nd January 2019)

Musbury Parish Councillors will be reviewing this draft Heritage Strategy, but in the meantime if any parishoners are interested in taking a look or giving feedback, please do so via the link below:

Our heritage assets, which are valued parts of our historic environment, are an irreplaceable resource that provide significant social, economic and environmental benefits for East Devon. It is important that we set out a positive strategy for their conservation and enjoyment, for this and future generations.  We have recently produced a Draft Heritage Strategy (2019 – 2031) for the East Devon District. This presents a summary of our heritage, its significance, its management and its benefits, with an action plan for the delivery of our recommendations.

We are running a consultation and would like to hear what you think about any part of the document, which can be viewed at would be helpful when making your comments if you quote the question number or the section or theme name with each comment where this applies.  Please ensure all comments are received by 5pm on 22 January 2019 or they may not be considered. Comments can be submitted by email or post to:,   Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Knowle, Sidmouth  EX10 8HL

Following the consultation we will consider all responses received. We will then amend the document accordingly and submit it to the East Devon District Council Strategic Planning Committee recommending adoption.   If you would like any further explanation on the Heritage Strategy, or guidance on submitting comments, please contact the planning policy section on 01395 517483 or 571533.