Musbury Display at Axminster Heritage

Resident Martin Minter (with help from wife Mary and others in the village) has put together a small display about Musbury’s heritage.  Giving some general information on the village and its history it concentrates on two main areas:

  • Musbury Notables, showing people and places and things relating to them.
  • Village Occupations and how these have changed over the last couple of centuries.  The display features some of the modern products of Musbury (pottery, wine, honey and jewellery).

He has also compiled a digital presentation of past and present photographs of key locations around the village centre, showing how much or how little change has occurred. This shows on the nearby screen.

The display is the third in a series put together by Axminster’s villages since Easter .

It can be seen in the Gallery at the Axminster Heritage Centre , Silver Street . Entry is FREE . Opening times Mon- Fri 10am- 4pm Sat 10-1pm Closed sun.

Villages Plan adopted

On 26 July EDDC adopted the East Devon Villages Plan, together with the East Devon Local Plan. This will form the basis for decisions on planning in the district until 2031 .

For Musbury this means the inclusion within the Built Up Area Boundary of

a) a small portion of Baxters Farm –  This has not been allocated for development, although EDDC has produced a draft development brief to inform any development proposals that may be put forward.

Views on the draft are sought by  Monday 10th September 2018.

You can see the draft document here. 

b) the field adjoining Mountfield House (although the Plan states ‘it is it unlikely that it would be suitable for development unless, in exceptional circumstances, development would minimise harm in all respects upon the historic environment and secure the future of Mountfield, a heritage asset at risk‘).

Reference copies of:  * the Villages Plan;  * the Villages Plan Adoption Statement  * the Sustainability Appraisal Post Adoption Statement;   * the Sustainability Appraisal Report; and  * the Non-technical summary of the Sustainability Appraisal  are available for inspection on the Council’s web site . They can be downloaded free of charge

Paper copies of the above are available for inspection free of charge during normal opening hours at the main office of East Devon District Council, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL.     Paper copies may be purchased from Planning Policy Section at the above address – details of prices are available on request