Following the resignation of Cllr Jackie Gooding there is a vacancy on Musbury Parish Council.

Residents have until 7 March 2016 to contact EDDC to request an election, otherwise the post will be filled by co-option, see councillor vacancy CVP

The formal process to find a replacement has been put in train but if you think you may be interested, or need more info,  please contact the Clerk, Jane Bishop 552681 or any of the Councillors whose details may be found on the Parish Council pages.

Colyton, Colyford and District Memory Cafe

Colyton, Colyford and District Memory Cafe meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month – Our next Memory Cafe, open to carers as well, will be on Wednesday 3rd February from 2 to 4pm in St John Hall King Street Colyton when Steve Budden from Colyton Pharmacy will be talking to us about all the things our local chemist can do for us. Why not come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun in a warm and friendly atmosphere. If you or a friend or loved one have short term memory loss or have been diagnosed with early dementia why not give us a try, we are sure you will be very pleasantly surprised by all we have to offer. Parking is available or there is a drop off point.

For more information ring Diane on 01297 680442 or mobile 07970 626774 or email