Musbury Show Competitions Launched

The Garden Charm and Vegetable Plot competitions are back!

If you have a garden that receives its share of praise, or a vegetable plot that is the envy of your neighbours, you could be a winner!

There are 2 competitions:

Garden Charm – Your garden will be judged Small, Medium or Large by Burrow Farm Gardens’ owner Mary Benger on 3 July. She will look for ‘charm’ rather than weeds or horticultural excellence.

Vegetable Plot or Allotment– Judging (in July) will be on the basis of quality of plants and use of the space, not on the size of the area.

Entry forms are now available at the Musbury Spar shop. Deadline for entry – 30 June.

If you live in Musbury or have a connection through family or any Musbury amenity you are eligible to enter. There are prizes for the winners, with cups presented at the Musbury Show on Sat 15 August. There is no charge to enter.

Why not give it a go.

For further information contact either Lesley McGowan Lock on 01297 551556 or Valerie Nicholls on 01297 552131.