Click Musbury Parish News Summer 2020 to view/download (4MB, PDF).
Month: May 2020
Musbury Show Cancelled
It is with great sadness that we have decided it will not be possible to hold either this year’s Musbury Show in August, or the Garden Charm Competition.
VE Day 75th Anniversary 2020
Coronavirus: Waste Collections UPDATE
Green waste collections will resume during week commencing 11th May 2020. Your collection will be on your usual scheduled day each fortnight. Some customers will restart a week later due to the 2 weekly cycle.
Please check your collection day online here to ensure you place your bin out on the correct day and week.
The green waste collections will be restored on the following basis due to the current situation:
- We will endeavour to collect all green waste on your normal scheduled date, however due to our reduced staff numbers this may not always be possible. If we are unable to make a scheduled collection, we ask customers to put their green bin out on their next collection date. We appreciate your patience at this challenging time.
- Our crews are unable to empty additional green waste containers or garden sacks. We ask that customers put all green waste for collection in the green bin provided and store any additional green waste they may have for their next collection.
We have automatically added a three month extension to your subscription to cover the Coronavirus suspension period.
When you receive your next renewal letter, this will take into account the 3 month extension period, so please renew your subscription as usual.
Our website will be updated daily with information relating to your collections. You can find this information using this link: